Monday, July 11, 2011

Vern's Golden Nugget Curds, In Case Anyone from Wisconsin Reads This Blog

That is not to say I think Wisconsinites are incapable of appreciating more mature flavor profiles, it just seems that anyone who ever came into The Cheese Importers looking for cheese Curds had about a 75% chance of being from Wisconsin. I have heard many times, and I believe it to be true, that they just taste better there, that they squeak more there, that nothing compares to a Wisconsin cheese Curd. One day I'll go to this magical land of squeaky cheese Curds and see for myself, but until then have this review! Vern's Golden Nugget Curds come from the great state of the same name and are a hugely popular seller, with most people buying an extra bag just to eat on the drive home.
Origin: Wisconsin, USA
Milk: Cow, pasuteurized
Rennet: Animal
Affinage: Doesn't really apply here because...
Notes: So technically this is another post about something that is not quite cheese. You see, these are cheese curds, those lovely little bits of coagulated proteins and fats and other goodness that, in a cheesemaking process, would be put in forms and presses aged and so forth. Somewhere, sometime, someone realized that curds by themselves can taste pretty good and so this incredibly more-ish snack food was created. 
Thoughts: These make a great snack when brought to room temperature, not too salty to be distasteful but enough to make you keep wanting more. The flavor is very mild but they are perfect for the occasional bite, kind of like a very 1-dimensional cheddar that you strangely enough want to keep eating. The texture of satisfyingly soft but chewy, and although I could not tell if the famous Wisconsin curd squeak was there I had a hard time not eating these like popcorn. 

These things will literally be the death of you. Not even because they have the best flavor but because, somewhere between salty and chewy, you can't stop eating them. Also they're not great for your health... whoops.

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