Sunday, June 26, 2011

Point Reyes Original, Big Fan

I have already spent much time and ink (or not really ink but energy I suppose) extolling the virtues of the artisanal cheese movement in California and the many exquisite cheeses that come from it. Today's is yet another example of excellent Californian cheeses, this time coming from the Bay Area of San Fransisco. The Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Company is a powerhouse in the high-quality cheese scene, it's masterpiece the Point Reyes Original blue. 
According to the website, the secret to their recipe is the top notch milk from their Holstein cows, the coastal fog, and the salty sea air. There must be some sort of 4th secret that they're not sharing with us, though, because it really is a killer paste. The cheesemaking process starts only a couple hours after the milking, and from these fresh beginnings the quality is maintained at the highest possible levels. Penicillium Roqueforti, as is used in so many other great Blues, is introduced to give it its lovely veining. This is a American treasure, to be sure, and is as worthy a cheese as has come out of the good old USA. 
Origin: California, USA
Milk: Cow, unpasteurized
Rennet: Vegetable
Affinage: 5-6 months
Notes: Looking for a really cool holiday? Go to San Fransisco and make a mini cheese pilgrimage out to the Point Reyes farm, great scenery, hiking, and incredible cheese!
Thoughts: This blue is the full deal. The first taste is creamy with just a hint of the bite to come, but the overall effect is far more complex than just another staple blue. As the flavor develops a rich dark, almost smoky flavor appears and is followed closely by a sharpness that is bold without being harsh.The rich and even veining lacks the sometimes over-salty mineraliness of some European Blues, and while it definitely is less offensive to the tastebuds than a Roquefort or Cabrales it is by no means a lightweight, Point Reyes Original means business. It is very versatile in that it is rich and strong and can stand alone by itself on a cheese platter but is not so overpowering or harsh that it can't be used in recipes, in fact it is a great addition to any salad and a favorite for me alongside steak off the grill. Point Reyes Original Blue is a cheese to be truly proud of, so perhaps this 4th of July go and celebrate (if you're an American, I suppose) with a hearty wedge of this all-American cheese! 

Not that I condone ultra-nationalism, or any ism for that matter. Isms in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an ism, he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon, "I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me." Good point there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus, I'd still have to go without basic groceries to afford fine cheese.   

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