Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cabrales, The Boogey Man of Blue Cheese

It hides out in your closet, spooks young children, fills the stories of concerned grandparents, real deal boogey man stuff. 
Be afraid. Seriously, fear this cheese above all things. 
So vicious is this blue cheese that it can be tough to even find where the paste is among all the mold. Oh that mold. That fierce, fierce mold. 
Not only is it super extra moldy, it's from raw cow, goat, and sheep's milk. It has DOP status and may only be made in the northern spur of the Europa Peaks of eastern Asturias. Spur cheese, man. Spur cheese. 
Origin: Asturias, Spain
Milk: Cow, goat, and sheep, unpasteurized
Rennet: Animal
Affinage: 3 months
Notes: Slow aged for 3 months in cold, oxygenated, humid caves. A farmstead, handmade cheese made in the high mountain pastures using good old Penicillium.
Thoughts: There seems to be a slight delay when eating this cheese, perhaps because the tastebuds are initially in too great a shock to even remember to fire those signals to the brain at all. This blue is beyond sharp, beyond spicy. The mold is so densely packed that there isn’t actually much paste left at all, literally a 2:1 ratio of mold to cheese. This can only mean one thing: hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husbands cause it’s burning up everybody out here. Really though this is a unique flavor among blue cheeses, the cheese sticks like gum and has a spicy burn that, though it’s a little one-dimensional, grows stronger and stronger with every second and well into the aftertaste. Literally a breath-takingly intense flavor.

The baddest blue cheese I've come across so far... definitely a must for those seeking blue cheese nirvana. Witty cheese comment or something.

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