Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pecorino Foglie de Noce, Italian for Delicious Cheese You Should Try

Everyone has heard of Pecorino this and Pecorino that, but where is a truly exciting Italian sheep's milk cheese when you need one? I know I'm always asking myself that question, as I'm sure you are as well. My usual go-to would be the fantastic Pecorino Ginepro, but there is a newcomer, a challenger, a rival. Actually this cheese is pretty oldschool, but in any case here you have it folks: Pecorino Foglie de Noce. It is a standard-aged Pecorino with the twist that it has been aged while wrapped in walnut leaves and rubbed down with olive oil. Yes, that is in fact an equation for delicious. 
Origin: Italy
Milk: Sheep, unpasteurized
Rennet: Animal
Affinage: 2-4 months
Notes: Just goes to show that a little olive oil rubbing goes a long way. 
Thoughts: A subtle but deep flavor characterizes this cheese, so reserved that it takes a decent chunk just to pick up on its finer notes. The usual pecorino saltiness is present but a nutty, almost smoky tone develops and carries the cheese. This must be thanks to that olive oil treatment, and it is something to relish. Devoid of practically any creaminess and aged to crumbly perfection, this one may be a little harder to love by itself but give it a chance in recipes or on a plate with some olives and you’ll be in for a treat.

Anyone out there know the name of that one song that starts with the bass line "ba-bum bum bum bum bum ba-ba-baba ba-bum bum bum bum bum ba-ba baba ba-bum bum".... bluesy song.... in pretty much every move/commercial since the dawn of time.... anyone? 

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